Monday, 11 April 2011

you tube

It’s quite easy to understand its popularity there are thousands of videos to choose from to watch.

There are many categories I’ve just put down small selection of the categories I use

·         Education -you tube is so useful when you can’t get certain concepts you are being taught, I have used this often especially in the neurological science
·         Comedy- There so much of this on whenever you’re in the mood, useful to search through the comedian or theme.
·         Current TV- Yeah if you miss it probably can catch it on good old you tube
·         Homemade amateur videos- As we have all seen you tube has made stars of people. From Rachel Black with her song Friday to
·         Recipes- brill useful part for someone like me .On many occasions I’ve had a ridiculous amount of food i.e. garlic and found out all the choices of how to preserve pickle or make chutney out of garlic.
·         Music- Again a wonderful thing you are able to listen to any music you want-some artists use you tube, Radiohead put the whole of their last album on to you tube, and allowed the hype to start of very internally with the fans debating what they thought.
·         The how to do things categories- yeah I know not a real category but  so wonderful if you want to learn how to wash a car properly  to how to take it apart.Ive used this a lot in simple building ideas ,gardening .It’s fabulous how did we get along before this !!??

Another attraction is the community side to you tube .with all the minority interests that exist on you tube communities grow.
Whether it be skateboarding, fans of a certain group or permacultarists.
People get pulled to these areas make comments and maybe make a video in return i.e. any skateboarder who can do a better or more funny trick than one he or she has seen then there is a good chance they will put one up. when talking to the Segway guy he said he d been following some of these tricks and did some on his segaway
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This leads to another attraction I don’t really understand is people putting up videos to inform and of course that chance of interstellar fame i.e. Rachel black and geriatric1927 |

 You tube definitely has an interesting history. It started as a lot of the huge companies were by a group of mates and started of working in a garage.
The simple premise of downloading /up loading videos on the net became huge .Part of its popularity came down by creating communities commenting on each videos and putting up video replies.
If you have an interest or want to learn something check it out on you tube whether it be how to pickle walnuts or how an element of assistive technology can change your life. 
Retrieved on April 13 2011 from "".

My chosen topic that i will explore with clips from you tube is gardening.
My first clip on gardening is just from the young ones and explains the importance of growing food for some people.
As neil points out we sow theseeds ,nature grows the seeds and then we eat the seeds.
This important peice of  Neil philosphy for many people gardening is one of the few links we have to an environment,that modern life so often distances us from.Through disbility illness structural impairments this occupation is often taken awy from people .

In occupational therapy there are many occasions where environments need to be modified so people can take part in occupations that are important to them.The next clip is how this guy has modified his garden so he can still take part in this occupation.

An important aspect of occupational therapy is modifying the environment for people in a positive manner.One way this is done is through sensory gardens ,wherethe barriers of nature and the person are broken down as much as possible .this is often done with plants to touch and smell to play in ,hide under e,t,c.Sensory gardens are used in many ciontexts in schools ,mental health projects ,old people homes and so on.
Here is a good example of one it is known as the William .E .Carter sensory Garden and is worth watching for the presenter alone.

All these clips (apart from the first) have shown what an important occupation for some people and can be an impotant and in my view under utilized healing tool

This clip is about horticultural therapy.

Since the mid 1980,s horticulture has been used as therapy both in rehabilitation,and in education and training of people with learning difficulties(Hagedorn,2000.p.279).
Hagedorn also argues that the use of the outdoor environment can be used in two ways.
ACTIVE USE such as horticulture,use as an educational resource.
REACTIVE USE rest area,Leisure area,enjoying plant ,birds and so forth(2000).
In my experience horticultural therapy and gardening programmes work best when there is an element of activity an element of education and an element of being some where beautiful.If this is done well some very powerful work can be done.
In my own experience Ive seen the use of environment gardening used extremely well in camphill communities. These are communities of people of mixed abilities living and working together in garden and farming environments and living by the philosphy of Rudolf Steiner.A group I worked with worked with adults with learning difficulties on conservation gardening and community compost they were able to give guys fun productive work in beautiful parts of Scotland.Many of the clients for this program were far too constrained by most other groups as they were centered on indoor activities and really blossomed ,learning new skills and gaining self esteem and Identity.

This last clip is from a Camphill community garden Beanachar in Scotland.

Hagedorn, R. (2000). Tools for practice in occupational therapy: A structured approach to core skills and processes. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.

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